Holiday Mini Gift Tote Favor

Holiday Mini Gift Tote Favor

Holiday Mini Gift Tote Favor


Product Details

Holiday gift giving made easy and personalized. Need a special little gift for those special people at holiday time? Pretty and petite, mini gift totes with personalized insert cards are perfect for those DIY gifts and favors. Fill these adorable clear gift totes (3"w x 3.5"h) with peppermints, Hershey's Mini's, M&M's (red and green) lip balm, confetti or a special gift.

Hang them on a Christmas tree at your party as favors, or indiscreetly hang them with their unique rope handle at that special someone's door. They can be tied on your packages as gift tags or stuffed in stockings, the ideas are endless.

Easy to assemble with mini gift tote (ribbon not included) and personalized card.

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