Life Savers Mint Mini Gift Tote - Silhouette Collection

Life Savers Mint Mini Gift Tote - Silhouette Collection

Life Savers Mint Mini Gift Tote - Silhouette Collection


Product Details

We've got a favor that is Tote-tally perfect! Create cute, personalized favors with our Silhouette Life Savers' Mints Mini Gift Totes! Pretty and petite, these mini gift totes with personalized insert cards are perfect. Each tote is filled with eight Life Savers' mints that feature a design of your choice!

Each tote (3"w x 3.5"h) allows for three lines of personalized text and your choice of color and design from our Silhouette Collection to compliment the event. Easy assembly with mini gift tote, personalized card, and pre-labeled Life Savers'.

Personalization - maximum characters per line including spaces; Line 1: 16, Line 2: 20, Line 3: 20

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