Kids Birthday Lemonade Favors

Kids Birthday Lemonade Favors

Kids Birthday Lemonade Favors


Product Details

Let's squeeze all the fun into the celebration! Our Personalized Birthday Lemonade Favors are the perfect personalized addition to a small favor bag or basket as a little"thank you" to your guests! To personalize them, you can choose a pattern, a design icon, 2 colors, and 3 lines of text.

Each single serving of premium drink mix comes sealed in a beautiful white gloss pouch (4"w x 5.5"h). Instructions are on the back on how to mix the pouch contents with other ingredients to mix a delicious drink. Easy assembly with self-adhesive labels.

Proudly made in the USA!

Personalization - maximum characters per line including spaces; Line 1: 20, Line 2: 20, Line 3: 25

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